~1 min read



It’s time for a tidy up - I have decided to stop using the mredd.co.uk domain, which was bought for me as a birthday present many years ago. Instead I’m going to move everything over to eddgrant.com, so this blog will be moving from http://blog.mredd.co.uk to http://www.eddgrant.com/blog.

I’ve added the necessary apache gubbins so that the transition should be pretty much invisible to web users however anyone who subscribes to the Atom or RSS feeds will need to update their subscription URLs at some point. The new subscription URLs are:

Atom: http://www.eddgrant.com/blog/EdD/feed/entries/atom

RSS: http://www.eddgrant.com/blog/EdD/feed/entries/rss

I will leave the redirects up until the mredd.co.uk domain elapses. Any problems please shout.
